Stay home and stay creative!
Montana Cans continues producing goods throughout the Coronavirus crisis and will endeavor to keep you supplied for as long as foreseeably possible – our warehouse and logistics is still operating! The Coronavirus has turned the world upside down. No doubt it will be a different place when things calm down. It is all of the responsibility to do the right thing by each other and follow the rules or guidelines set wherever we live. But it doesn’t have to mean life stops. Especially if your creative urge is what keeps you positive and in good health in the first place.
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What can we do?
Firstly, we can always create. It doesn’t matter if you are not allowed out and can’t hear the always calming sound of a Montana GOLD or Montana BLACK can shaking. Remember you can always turn to your Montana Sketchbook, ACRYLIC markers, and Sketchliners to go back to the basics and draw yourself a different reality. If you can have a spray but don’t know where, did you ever try setting up your own home studio? A garage, a shed, the verandah or even that little space near the window in the basement could be the new lockdown art hole. Maybe it’s time to break out the new Montana GOLD grey tones you were saving for a rainy day. Or finally, figure out how good those Montana EFFECT sprays really are.

But the stores are closed!
In some countries, there is a full lockdown. This may not mean you can’t get what you need. Many stores have closed their doors but their online stores are still open for business. And for those stores without webshops or websites, try calling or contacting them directly through social media to see if they can deliver, or have alternative services on offer to keep you supplied? If they didn’t before, they may do now!
What do I need to be aware of?
Every country, city, and state in the world is currently developing its plan to fight the Cornavirus on a daily basis. Although we do not influence what is possible in your local region, check the situation where you are to see what you can or can’t do. Thanks to our colleagues at our production plant, the dedicated staff in our global distribution warehouse and of course the committed distribution partners and resellers all over the world, Montana Cans has not stopped producing goods throughout the Coronavirus crisis and will endeavor to keep you supplied for as long as foreseeably possible. As long as transport companies where you live are delivering, there may be a chance that Montana Cans products are still available to you.
Staying creative not only supports your artistic habits. It also supports your local Montana Cans reseller, gives you something productive to do during the lockdown period and keeps your mind focused on something positive. And therein lies the key to a safe journey through this difficult time. Stay positive! From all the teams at Montana Cans, we hope you and your families stay safe, stay home and stay creative!
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