Inspired by Syrian children confined to refugee camps in Jordan, the artists Fintan Magee and Suhaib Attar painted a girl he worked with in a painting project. Alongside a fading reflection of her past life she gazes into a future that is unknown. More than half of Syria’s people have fled their homes. Syrians are stuck between a world they knew that no longer exists and a future they cannot start. In search of safety they wait at closed borders, for deadly sea crossings and inside refugee camps. As refugees they do not arrive at destinations. They arrive at waiting places. They wait for the war to stop and for food and water to be distributed, for paperwork to be processed, for a permit to work or to attend a school. They wait for their lives to resume. They wait for news of death. They are trapped in the waiting place. Video filmed and edited by Nina Constable.
A project initiated by AptArt – awareness prevention through art – Photography by Samantha Robison (