However they are under immediate threat due to the newly approved 510MW hydropower dam which is undergoing it’s preparation phases now. The completion of the dam will see the destruction of their existing habitat and prevent the connection of habitat patches to other forest corridors.
Trying to save Tapanuli Orangutan
Vhils X Splash and Burn in Sumatra Indonesia
Vhils’s artwork is a cleverly placed portrait of this beautiful creature which we know so little about, in the heart of the habitat of those who would essentially destroy it. An embossed reminder that it is not to late to change plans and take some to reflect on possible negative consequences of the dam’s building. And above all consider alternatives that may not wipe a species off the face of the earth. The work is haunting and at the same time incredibly beautiful.
See for yourself here
Images by Ernest Zacharevic, Nicholas Chin, Skaiste Kazragyte & Andrew Walmsley