We‘re proud to share URBAN NATION’s latest venture supported by MONTANA-CANS with you: Project M/5. The enitre Project was curated by Roland Henry and VNA Magazine and it ended up being quite the lineup: Mark Lyken, Ben Frost, Pam Glew, Will Barras, Eine, Steff Plaetz, Nick Walker, O. Two, Sickboy, Xenz, Sheone. URBAN NATION is a foundation based in Berlin that concentrates on supporting international urban and contemporary art… Thanks to Brian Mier for the Photography!
URBAN NATION BERLIN | PROJECT M5: Great mural by Eine! URBAN NATIONs goal is also to offer a platform to artists that is not illegal to raise awareness and show the world what this artform can amount to hoping for a large impact on the awareness, acceptance and support for urban art… more at urban-nation.net
Check the video by URBAN NATION:
Photography by Brian Mier / birdmanphotos