Enamel Mug “Exterior Painters” by 45RPM
This Bristol based artist brings a smile back into graffiti with his quirky characters and innovative letters. If seeing his “Exterior Painters” design on the Montana T-Shirt series inspired you, you’ll be happy to see it in its new home on your next favorite Montana Enamel Mug. The cook-top, dishwasher and campfire friendly enamel coating is almost unbreakable making it ideal for indoor or outdoor use.
Boasting ‘Hand made in Europe’, consume 300ml of your favorite liquid goodness in style with whatever drink you like. The 95mm radius and 80mm height requires little cupboard space and is lightweight at 170gm (unfilled). So don’t sit there at your next camping outing fretting over who gets to use the Montana Enamel Mug, go buy one of you’re own.
The Montana Enamel Mug with “Exterior Painters” design by 45RPM, coming to a Montana Cans reseller near you!