For nearly three decades German artist Dreist has dedicated a large part of his life to graffiti writing. The result is not only countless fresh pieces, but at some point, he was not just going to graffiti jams anymore, he was creating them. From this seed, the SCHICHTWEISE URBANES KUNSTFESTIVAL (LAYERED Urban Art Festival) grew into the loved event it is today.

The team that plays together stays together
With a few years under his belt, in 2022 SCHICHTWEISE has gone from hot to blazing with burners by some of the best of the best. Walls of vertical and horizontal orientation played host to single pieces, characters, and group productions. Productions that were at times BIG, and at times small. All were created with the luscious opaque layers of carefully chosen Montana GOLD and BLACK cans.

Layer upon layer of color
And keeping to the formula of success, a team that plays together stays together. In the context of SCHICHTWEISE, this translates to eating meals together and shared accommodation in one location for the out-of-towners. This means that after the cans have been put down or emptied, the conversation, socialization, and creative fun continued long after the sun had gone down.

Every picture tells a story
If it is true that every picture tells a story, then the photo spread of SCHICHTWEISE 2022 has a lot to say.

All images by Schichtweise