
“Typified by its modern city aesthetic and understated confidence, the HUGO brand celebrates its first two decades this summer with an ambitious pop-up exhibition at London’s Saatchi Gallery, showcasing the work of 20 urban and contemporary artists from around the globe. Billed as a multisensory experience, the exhibition invites visitors to interact with an array of work on display, from Electropastete’s light projections that map movement to Jun Fukiwara’s sound bottles capturing sounds, and reorganising them into a soundtrack”. More after the jump:


“Also exhibiting is Berlin-based artist Steffen Seeger, who uses his aptly titled ‘One Line’ technique to create images from a single fluid motion in a range of ink-based medias. Betty Wood spoke to the German artist ahead of the exhibition’s opening on 31 July to find out more about his fascination with the fleeting, and how his technique has grown from an early interest in letter writing.” Read the full article at Port Magazine


Photography by MontanaCans/ Alexander Krziwanie
Red Never Follows runs at the Saatchi Gallery 31 July – 1 September. For full programme details, visit


check the video clip by HUGO showing contemporary artist steffen seeger using Montana ACRYLIC 50mm wide

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