Imagine painting a complete room with the theme of an ocean. Imagine that room is in a school. Imagine that school is in a country that is land locked and the kids using the room have probably never even seen the ocean. This isn’t an imaginary thought. This is POW! WOW! Nepal. And for this edition of the POW! WOW! event there was no room for ego’s. You may have seen the recent post where we documented the team of POW! WOW! artists that transformed this Nepalese school. Changing it from a series of non painted concrete cubes, to a multi faceted, interactive artwork. Well now you can see the video documentation and get some insights from the artists themselves about this amazing and unique opportunity for both them and the school. POW! WOW! NEPAL 2018 VIDEO RECAP

Transforming a school, into an artwork

Check the Making of POW! WOW! NEPAL 2018