Recently in November, Dublin and Galway got a Mo makeover when Dublin artist ‘JOR’ and ‘Galway’ artist BAQSR took time out to completely transform 2 city centre walls to raise awareness for men’s health charity Movember.  In Dublin local artist John O Reilly created his one off Mo masterpiece entitled, ‘Mo Dawg’. Speaking about the work JOR claimed, “The piece was inspired by Movember’s ‘country gentlemen’ creative. I love the outdoor theme that they went with this year. I can relate as being a graffiti artist most of my work is done outdoors. I chose the dog as the focus for the piece as I thought it tied in well with the creative. It was great to use my skills to help raise awareness for Movember and men’s health”.

Meanwhile across the country, Galway artist BAQSR was busy transforming a 12 foot high and 100 foot wide mammoth wall on Galway’s Pump Lane. Speaking on the huge project BAQSR said, “Movember is a great cause and something that everybody should be aware of. It was great to get on board and create awareness for prostate cancer. The Movember wall took me 6 days to complete and I was delighted with the result. ”It is the first year Mo Art has taken place in Ireland with artists being handpicked to create a Mo mural to raise much needed awareness for prostate cancer and men’s health.

click on | the image to see the complete wall

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