
INNENLEBEN 23 (Interior 23)

The Montana Store Vienna has proven consistently that it is not just a spray paint store or a Montana Cans flagship store. Since its opening, MSV has showcased some of the most cutting-edge artists that cleverly navigate the fringes of graffiti, urban art, and fine art. Their latest feature artist PANZA aka Stefan Riedl is no exception.

What to do with empty Montana BLACK cans?

For his solo show titled INNENLEBEN 23 (Interior 23), PANZA has taken one of the most challenging perspectives of graffiti (the waste of empty spray cans) and transformed it into yet another aesthetic and visually forward aspect of art making that graffiti itself always strives to reach. As many dispose of their empty Montana BLACK cans via location-specifically approved recycling routes, PANZA has seen through the surface of the problem deep into the beautiful potential within. As each can was emptied and de-gassed, his precision dismantling and cutting of the metallic outer body offered him uniquely stained and weathered aluminum surfaces that he reapplies as pieces of a visual composition. Like color blocks that have been created as a byproduct of creating graffiti in the first instance.

Taking graffiti further

The composition itself, is an extension of painting, and as well as being an engaging artwork is a homage to the beloved tool, the spray can, that has made it possible for graffiti to develop to where it is today. How PANZA came to this form or artwork is a mystery. Is it painting, is it sculpture, is it upcycling, or does it even matter what you call it? In the context of the exhibition INNENLEBEN 23, it works as a unique dimension and extension of the practice of graffiti writing, which PANZA, MSV, and the customers that go there are all very aware of.

To complement the installed wall artwork, PANZA also created a 10/10 print series that was also well received by the audience. In the flavor of the recycled can litho artwork, the prints proved that he is able to connect the dots in many disciplines when it comes to his love of graffiti and fine art. If you can’t make it to Vienna, take a moment to see the show yourself here.

All images by Montana Store Vienna