A few weeks ago we met up with Jan Paul Müller and accompanied him during his daily business. The 26 year-old from Offenbach, Frankfurt am Main, Germany has contributed to the exhibition „Give Love Back“ by „Ata Macias & partners“ which was being held in the MAK (museum for applied art) in Frankfurt, which is also where we met. Jan’s first job of the day was designing a DJ booth for the „Boiler Room“ club event taking place as a part of the „Give Love Back“ exhibition at the MAK…
For his works Jan uses primarily Montana ACRYLIC and BLACK markers and inks. The simplicity of the black graphics on the white booth are Jan Paul’s signature feature, adding his personal character to the objects he designs. After this first task was accomplished, we crossed the Main to get to the in-crowd-bar called „Plank Bar“ owned by Ata Macias in the heart of the multicultural district of Frankfurt. Jan Paul, who is currently studying visual communications focussing on free drawing and illustrations, designed and created the entire basement of the „Plank Bar“ including the mirrors. With his signature graphics and illustrations, he created a whole city in white on black walls using the Montana ACRYLIC markers. Jan used this great opportunity and made a name for himself in the design scene of Frankfurt and we are grateful to have had a peek into his creative working process.
To stay up to date on what Jan Paul is up to, check out his tumblr site: http://janpaulmueller.tumblr.com
Photography by MONTANA-CANS/ Alexander Krziwanie