Putting the Montana ACRYLIC ink to paper
Montana Cans featuring Graffiti Artist Max Solca – The Swedish graffiti artist Max Solca was recently featured on our blog thanks to his clever skills and witty sense of humor. Hailing from the Swedish town of Malmö, Solca’s ideas fire like a pump-action firearm. Before you notice all the little nuances in artwork, there is another one hot on the paper on its way to being finished.

To celebrate this skill and have an excuse to watch Solca pump the ink through the Fine and Extra Fine Montana ACRYLIC markers, we sat down and pressed record while Max Solca did his things. A timely adventure shortly before lockdown, we didn’t realize how helpful this film would soon be. With doors closed all over the world, sketchbooks have re-opened and markers in living rooms now replace the once familiar hobby of spraying Montana GOLD and BLACK cans that Max Solca himself can’t wait to get back to.

With themes like ‘Allday Everday’, ‘ Overload’ and ‘Guilty pleasure’, Solca brings us back to the simple pleasures drawing has to offer and some thoughts we all may be having while in lockdown. And the fun there is to be had while hitting the Blackbook.
Kick back, relax and enjoy as Max Solca brings a smile to your dial and an idea to your head.
Explore all MontanaCans drawing tools on our product page!
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