Jan Paul Müller. This is a name that has line work deep ingrained in its existence. The man has a way with words that sits well with most of the Montana Cans marking products. Not necessarily on the verbal side, but very much so on the visual side. As a veteran of Montana GOLD, Montana BLACK and the all the Montana ACRYLIC marker and ink ranges, we thought we would put him to the test and see if he can make the magic happen with the Montana BOLD markers as well. On a sunny German day, in the back lots of the BACKYARD SEVVARD WAREHOUSE, JP pulled out the Montana BOLD marker and got to work on his bright yellow substrate.
Urban scrawl the Jan Paul Müller way
As with most of his artworks, seeing them take shape in real life leads to many questions. “What’s that?”, “where is this going”, and “Ah now I get it”, for a spectator is the standard procedure. The whole fun and games was recorded on film and once the beats by Nils Diezel were overlapped, the “Montana Cans BOLD Markers featuring Jan Paul Müller” was born. Take a look and enjoy the process for yourself.
Check out the Montana Cans Marker assortment!