In this episode 47 of MONOCHROME the graffiti writer MER was featured, check out the video! MONOCHROME is a series of graffiti video clips, all with a black-and-chrome feeling, published by Simple and short videos featuring one writer and three cans in each episode. One chrome piece on one clean wall by one selected graffiti writer for each episode, that’s it!
- Montana BLACKOUT Tarbblack 400ml, high-pressure
- Montana BLACK Silverchrome 400ml, high-pressure
- Montana WHITEOUT 400ml, high-pressure
Spraydaily is a publisher committed to documenting the graffiti culture world wide. Spray Daily does not condone, promote or encourage vandalism, the destruction of property or any kind of illegal activity whether it be public or private. All photos and/or videos published without a name and credited photographer were sent to the publisher anonymously. All Videos can be watched on