In the past we have closely followed the progress of the Australian artist Adnate and his quest for truth and equality within his artwork. On a recent tour of Europe, he managed to paint two walls in England and was kind enough to share some words with us about the artworks. “London has been a Mecca for street art and graffiti for a long time so I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get 2walls done in my 2days available… One wall was in Shoreditch, a significant area next to an old overground trainline.


The other was on Dface’s shop, Rebel Alliance where I painted a portrait of a Tibetan Refugee that I photographed in India. This photo was taken on my trip to meet the Dalai Lama and in my time there I learnt a lot of the personal stories that the Tibetan faced. One guy told me that he hasn’t seen his family from when he left as a teenager 10 years ago. For him to make it out of Tibet, it was a month journey on foot through the treacherous himalaya, sleeping in the day and walking at night to evade being seen and shot by the Chinese.
I feel it’s important to paint murals like this to raise awareness for serious issues that the public aren’t aware of.”

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