Yazan Halwani for STADT.WAND.KUNST 2017
Born 1993 in Beirut, despite his relatively young age Yazan Halwani belongs to the classification as one of the Middle Easts Graffiti pioneers. His artistic roots deriving from classical New York graffiti even though his reality was something far different. As a 14 year old boy his creative endeavors in the Lebonese capital city began to take on their large mural format and he has been one of the most prolific outdoor artists of his country ever since. It is with this strength that he has been invited to participate in STADT WAND KUNST festival that was co-initiated by MONTANA-CANS and takes place in Mannheim, Germany every year. Halwani will brace the walls of the Mannheim landscape to add his pieces of something special for the local folk to enjoy. With his Middle Eastern aesthetic, it will most likely be a harmonious fit for a lot of the local immigrant Mannheim community which also has Arabic roots stemming from Halwani’s region.Lebanese Street Artist Yazan Halwani Starting on June 16th, Halwani will commence the painting of his mural at F6-12, 68159 Mannheim Inner city. Stay tuned here for updates on his progressLebanese Street Artist Yazan Halwani
More on the artists Facebook- and Instagram pages or STADT.WAND.KUNST page
Photography: Yazan Halwani