
Belgium has a healthy graffiti community that is diverse and innovative. Although the train scene is also an important part of this community, there are colors that can be seen everywhere. Not only on the trains. In a recent artwork by LaFranz and Gosh7, they decided to tie the two together and pay homage to the Belgian train scene. This time on concrete. LaFranz x Gosh7 Antwerp Belgium


Enter TRAINSFORMER! Inspired by the robot forms of the TRANSFORMER cartoon series, the TRAINSFORMER mural celebrates the colors and characteristics parts of the trains in the Belgian transit system and compliments ithem with some classically impressive graffiti lettering. The cold Belgian weather did not deter the two and the result was some hot style writing. With the Montana BLACK ignoring the weather also and not skipping a beat, lines were laid and the robot inspired concept came to life in all its colorful glory. Take a peep and get onboard TRAINSFORMER here.

All images by the artists