Paris is a tough city if you are a graffiti artist that wants to stand out amongst the crowd. Why? Because the crowd is big, the quality is high, and the physical height of which the streets are already bombed is even higher. One prolific artist that doesn’t seem to have a problem rising to the top of the melting pot is KENO. We are not saying he can leap over tall buildings in a single bound, but his hard work proves that he can find the right spots on those tall buildings and cover them with stylish tags, pieces, throw-ups, and stickers.

Redefining the streets
With a style that oozes with flow, you can only come to the conclusion that he writes his name a lot. Dripping Montana BOLD tags, strategically placed in the streets like arrows on bullseyes, flared fat cap Montana BLACK tags that appear to have a history of thousands before them. Or awkward, yet very cool pieces, vibrating with Montana BLACK and GOLD colors with letters that embrace his inner child while flexing his knowledge of all the graffiti that came before him.
Taking a walk down the streets of Paris a much more colorful experience as KENO has all angles covered. Reminding those “who know” to look up, and down, as they walk through his world. If you can’t make it to his world, take a moment here to check some of it out yourself.