Contemporary canvas by TRES and LUME 

“The room is full of smoke. The lights are on and the cameras are rolling. There isn’t a peep of sound coming from those present. Despite the silence, things are happening, things are moving. Art is being made, and concentration is at an all-time high”. If this is really how it was, we will never know. Possibly there was non-stop laughter, conversation, and music blaring in the background? But all that is irrelevant.  What is relevant is the result captured on film as part of the new video series, “Hard2Buff Lab” by the Hard2Buff crew in Napoli, Italy. 

captured on film as part of the new video series, “Hard2Buff Lab” 

The first artists to be featured in the Hard2Buff Lab 1 were Italian color coordinators, TRES, and LUME. Putting down the normal selection of Montana BLACK and GOLD cans used for painting walls, the two were filmed collaborating in the brand new Hard2Buff creation space called the “Lab”, they proved that two heads are better than one in the creation of a stunning new canvas. 

Although modest in size, the canvas brings together two very different approaches in making art. Moving through the Montana ACRYLIC paint and marker ranges, TRES and LUME shook, mixed, filled, and drew their way from a blank white canvas to a final artwork that combined both abstract and figurative drawing. As the film rolls on we see how the artists confidently move from broader 15mm marker tips, to Fine, and then Extra Fine for detailed linear work. Once dry the canvas received the final addition of Montana VARNISH spray to seal work and seduce the viewer through the enriched colors. A great start to what looks like an inspiring project. We look forward to future works curated by the Hard2Buff team coming out of the Hard2Buff Lab.

two heads are better than one

All images by Hard2Buff

The Montana water based ACRYLIC Product Range