There are many countries in Europe that have, and still do produce amazing graffiti artists. Denmark and Sweden are perfect examples of some these countries. In the 90’s both SE and DK, set their mark on global graffiti and showed the world that they have no intention of changing this. In amongst the storm of color and design, two innovating writers called Swet and CMP One came to the fore. Both with unique styles that trade marked their place in graffiti history. Both still very much in the game and getting up. While on a visit to southern city of Heerlen in the Netherlands, the two joined forces for an epic wall that show cased strong examples of their heritages, and flexed some muscle for their current abilities. With an armoury of Montana BLACK cans and an invitation from the Getting Up! organisation to come down and paint a wall, the date was set and the art was made. Take a look at it for yourself here. Cmp One Swet Mural in Heerlen 2018