Renowned comic artist Bernardo Maldonado Morales spent a bit of time at the drawing board to come up with a nice little MontanaCans comic. Using the Montana ACRYLIC markers and paints, watch him create his fantasy world before your very eyes…

“I started drawing when I was a small child… I felt a connection to the act of drawing almost instantly I suppose. I remember being struck by the visual impact of cartoons and was really happy and eager to get a hand painted T-Shirt by my aunt with a cartoon character. when I was four. It was Chilly Willy by Walter Lantz. I distinctly remember the smell of the paint too! That really grabbed me. Just like when children open christmas presents and smell the plastic of the wrapping and toys themselves. Those memories stay with you. We used to watch a lot of cartoons as children so that had me hooked…” Bernardo Maldonado Morales
Read the full interview with the artist.

SLIDESHOW: Bernardo Maldonado at work…

Make sure to have checked the first part of ARTcrylic Session with the artist. Black & white artworks also available as limited screen prints. Visit the artist’s blog or facebook page