Letter Artwork by Bernardo Maldonado Morales.: As the culture of contemporary graffiti goes through it’s many phases, typography and the art of painting letters is always a fundamental aspect that connects artists of all disciplines. Including graffiti artists. Some practitioners were trained in the “Old School” of hand painted signage, others were brought to the fine art of lettering through writing their names…
Bernardo Maldonado Morales has what we believe a healthy footing in all aspects of these cultures and with some Montana ACRYLIC products in hand, we let him loose..
More is Less: just a piece of cardboard, 25ml bottle of Montana ACRYLIC water-based paint refill in Shock White Pure, as well as a few fine brushes…
Montana ACRYLIC paint is perfect in combination with bush or also air brush application. The water-based paint is high covering and easy to handle…
Montana ACRYLIC paint is mixable with other ACRYLIC colors and also dilutable with Water
painted with Montana ACRYLIC paint refill in Shock White Pure
“I respect `classic typography´ and typographers, but I understand letters because they act like cartoon characters in my eyes. They speak to me in their own way and they can bounce and stab. That´s the interesting thing about graffiti letters too. I love signage work though because it´s alive and hand painted. The whole process is a project in itself. You then form a relationship with your art form.”
read the interview with the artist here
Artwork by Bernardo Maldonado Morales. See more content of the artist in Montanablog: ARTcrylic Session#2
Visit the artist’s blog. Go to product pages Montana ACRYLIC / Montana BRUSH SET