It is certainly one of the artistic landmarks of the “Kafka2015 project” in the Bremen Cultural Westend. Wow123 and Sozyone together formed a wall before the background of Franz Kafkas “Metamorphosis“. Sozyone created an exceedingly elegant and harmonious outlined portrait of the writer which seems to fetch him back from the darkness of the “Metamorphosis” in the cheering light of day – anyway with some melancholy expression.
Wow123 catches in his not even emphatically gloomy, but almost quite objective de-construction of the old test picture of the German television the dynamism of the process and stimulates the viewer to transcend his immediate perception: The “Metamorphosis” is not yet to an end…
In the tension between the rest and clarity of the stylised portrait and the broken structures -however, they are always remaining in a certain order- of the contribution of Wow123 a secret key is hidden to the work of Kafka. The viewer only must want to find him…
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