As the final destination of an unforgettable trip, New York held a special place in Laia’s heart. She spent approximately seven days in the city, and although the journey had been long and exhausting—with nearly every day devoted to painting—the vibrancy and energy of New York reignited her creative spirit.

The fatigue from continuous work was palpable, especially after the intense days of painting that had only been interrupted by a two-day break at the Grand Canyon. Yet, upon arriving in New York, there was no time to rest. Laia dove straight into a PMS meeting, gathering with some of the most influential and respected figures in the scene—Claw, Queen, Reds, and Lex. This gathering was more than just a meeting of minds; it was a creative communion that culminated in a collaborative effort on the walls of Lowbrow NYC. Together with other writers, they transformed the space, leaving their mark with throw-ups and pieces that spoke to their shared passion and artistic vision.

New York, with its towering walls and storied streets, provided the perfect canvas for Laia. She had the opportunity to collaborate on a wall with Roachi, an experience that was both creatively fulfilling and personally significant. Another highlight was painting a wall in Harlem, facilitated by the legendary All City Legends store, a place synonymous with the history and culture of street art in New York. These moments were not just about the act of painting, but about connecting with the city’s rich artistic heritage and the people who have shaped it.

However, it was the streets of New York that truly captured Laia’s heart. For years, she had dreamed of painting in this iconic city, and the reality did not disappoint. Every stroke on the streets felt like a conversation with the city itself—a dialogue between past, present, and future. The experience was further enriched by the personal connections she made. Meeting people she had been in contact with for years, and being able to now call them friends, was a testament to the power of art to build and strengthen communities across time and distance.

Laia’s time in New York was more than just the conclusion of a trip; it was the culmination of years of artistic growth and connection. The city’s energy, the people she met, and the walls she painted all contributed to an experience that will undoubtedly influence her work for years to come. As she reflects on this journey, it’s clear that New York didn’t just leave an impression on her—she left her mark on New York.