Give your garden a vintage flair with some Crackle Effect Spray. How to pimp your flower pots
Summer’s here! ’Tis the season of sunscreen, ice cold beers, and enjoying time spent in the garden or on your respective balcony or terrace. We were on the lookout for some ideas to spruce up your garden accessories and decided to go with a vintage-look by using some of our Montana Crackle Effect Sprays. So we teamed up with Jutta and Maike, the creative duo behind the DIY Blog KREATIVFIEBER, who chose some flowerpots, a vase and even a watering can for this project. The coolest thing about using Montana Crackle Effect Spray, is the depth that the effect will give to the object you have chosen to paint. It really does look used and it even is given it a weathered feel, so it’s perfect for our garden accessories.FLOWER POTS MONTANA CRACKLE SPRAYWhat the Crackle effect does, is it essentially creates cracks and tears in the paint, revealing the color of the surface underneath. This is why priming your object in a color of your choice is absolutely mandatory. We recommend using Montana GOLD, and applying two nice coats of paint covering the object fully, before grabbing the Montana Crackle effect spray. For instance, Jutta and Maike chose Montana GOLD SH9000 Black as a base coat on one of the flower pots. For a nice thick base layer, they applied two thin coats, and let them each dry for at least 45 minutes. Then they used the EC7000 Squirrel Grey from the Montana Crackle effect line and gave the pot a nice once-over. It’s important to apply the crackle paint in strokes from left to right, overlapping the strokes slightly to ensure a good coverage.
The varnish will give it either a glossy or semi-glossy or even a matte finish, depending on your choice of varnish and will also help protect your paint job from weathering. The more coats of varnish you apply, the stronger the protection you will get against the effects of UV light. Once the Montana TECH Varnish has completely dried, all that is left is for you to do is add a plant and flower or two, and you’re done. Such an eye-catcher and a one-of-a-kind accent for your little green oasis. Handmade by you. FLOWER POTS MONTANA CRACKLE SPRAY