FACES&LACES presents a video showing the retrospective of the open-air event in 2014, which took place at Gorky Park, Moscow. Thematic concept of the FACES&LACES 2014: SPY GAMES / ANONYMOUS ACTIVISM.In the history of culture, both classical and modern, we will see that ANONYMITY has always been quite a strong and powerful way of communication between the author and his audience. At the same time it’s been an effective way of making people concentrate their attention on one and exact thing – the art object. OUR CREW has always been taking care about the way our exhibitor control the quality and level of self-presentation and how they demonstrate the result of their work. For OUR CREW, the project itself is the result of the hard work and a huge amount of responsibility too. That’s why, in 2014 FACES&LACES project is all about the ANONYMITY, that plays huge role in subcultures. For us, neither personal publicity nor popularity of the participants are important. The main point is the result, the message that all the visitors are going to get and think over. More inforamtion