A tribute to the 1994 “Moon tank” mural
Using only Montana Polystyrene PRIMER, some Montana GOLD colors, Montana ACRYLIC paints, ACRYLIC markers and polystyrene cutting hot wire, ERAS created over 150 individual pieces of hand-crafted foam in over 30 hours of working time to make a 3D model of the CANTWO “Moon tank”. On one side ERAS recreated in immaculate detail the exact CANTWO image. On the other side, he created a 2020 rendition of it using his own name, ERAS. With a dimension of approx. 100cm x 70cm x 60cm, consultation with Cantwo himself meant this amazing work had become a contemporary collaboration with his childhood hero.
This homage to a style legend by a style master himself functions as a great intergenerational piece of art that could be seen at the German exhibition, “Through The Wire”. Take a moment to be amazed here.
Images by Farbenfeuer GmbH