For 8 consecutive years, the Hafen Dampf jam under the highway pillars of the A42 in Essen in Germany has been steaming away. Literally translated (Port Steam), the name and the location for the 2020 edition of the event needed a slight change, due to environmental conditions. This year for obvious reasons, Hafen Dampf made way for “Corona Dampf“.

Corona Dampf 2020 – The (masked) show must go on
With yet another line-up of European graffiti stars, names like Rookie the Weird, Zay, Pout, Birne, Most, Mynt, Nomad, and Semor, could be seen painting the new underpass location, rocking in graffiti writing harmony. On this day, the term “LOCKDOWN” gained new meaning as each writer locked down their pieces in an unprecedented graffiti stylewriting.

At a time when most of the world is forgetting how good things really are (or can be), with the Montana GOLD and BLACK cans in hands and a mask on their faces, the Corona Dampf team created a welcomed distraction from all the doom and gloom in the world today for the passers-by and readers of this post. If your nowhere near Essen, then take a seat and enjoy the burners here.